• IAS Me and My Healthcare Provider Champions

Announcing the IAS Me and My Healthcare Provider Champions Campaign

Announcing the IAS Me and My Healthcare Provider Champions Campaign

The International AIDS Society’s Me and My Healthcare Provider campaign celebrates healthcare provider champions who provide stigma and discrimination free services to key populations affected by HIV whist promoting efforts to increase key populations’ access to services. To date, 46 healthcare champions from 19 countries and regions across the world have been recognized as part of this campaign.

In 2022, PATA was selected by the IAS to implement the campaign in South Africa and Zambia to:

  • Highlight best practices around key population health and establish a community of good practice within clinics
  • Showcase the importance of the client-provider relationship as a key element in delivering HIV prevention, care and treatment
  • Recognise healthcare provider champions who are often overlooked heroes in the lives of many key population individuals

A total of eight nominations were received from adolescents and young people living with HIV as well as caregivers of children living with HIV, who wanted to draw attention to the healthcare provider champion who stands up for them and is always there to welcome, support and provide the services that they need in a way that is friendly.

These are the healthcare provider champions who are #DoingTheRightThing by delivering quality HIV prevention, treatment and care services to children, adolescents and young people living with HIV!

PATA celebrates the nominations received from across South Africa and Zambia. Thank you to these healthcare champions and their nominators, for demonstrating the importance of healthcare providers as the backbone of an effective HIV response.

Me and My Healthcare Provider Champions:

South Africa

Cathrine Kgothatso Ramodipa

Cathrine Kgothatso Ramodipa

Peer Educator, Matsi Clinic (Anova Health Institute), Polokwane, South Africa

Nominated by Mokete Sedutla, Youth Care Club

“She is so passionate about her work, and she loves it so much, and since I met her, she always brings her A-game to work.”

Nonhlanhla Mazaleni

Nonhlanhla Mazaleni

Community Health Worker, Tholulwazi Phakathi, Johannesburg, South Africa

Nominated by Lerato Nkwanyana, Tholulwazi Phakathi

“Before I met her, I did not understand what was wrong with me. I had no support; I didn’t understand how to live positively with HIV.”

Rebecca Phasha

Rebecca Phasha

Nurse, Johan Heyns Clinic, Vanderbijl Park, South Africa

Nominated by Maditaba Patience Tau, IFASCO

“She is a patient person; she is humble, and she communicates endlessly with young people.”


Betherida Lukalanga

Betherida Lukalanga

Nurse, Chazanga Clinic, Lusaka, Zambia

Nominated by Ngosa Musonda, Chazanga Clinic

“Whenever I see her, I don’t see a nurse in her but a saviour of many adolescents and young people’s lives as well as a mother of all.”