May 2021

Year of Health and Care Workers 2021

The WHO has named 2021 the International Year of Health and Care Workers, in appreciation for the commitment and dedication of health providers in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. In Africa there have been major gaps in the COVID-19 response capacity, including human resources, protective equipment, and now, vaccines for health providers. However, this has not stopped the dedicated frontline health providers, working across sub-Saharan Africa, continuing to deliver HIV services for children, adolescents and young people despite the challenges.

In recognition of the remarkable dedication, sacrifices and work done by health providers across Africa, in fighting the double burden of COVID-19 and HIV, PATA joins the WHO in dedicating 2021 to frontline health providers. To put action to our recognition of health providers, we urgently call for global, national and local governmental support to ensure that frontline health providers in Africa have the resources they need, access to tools and are cared for, supported, and protected.
Everyone has a part to play, click here to find out how you can stand up for and shine a light on health providers.

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