PATA Programmes and Technical Support
PATA is engaged in several multicounty, multiparter regional programmes. Across programmes and in collaboration with consortium partners, PATA provides technical support and facility linking and learning to a targeted number of sites.
As an action network of healthcare provider teams, and working in partnership with communities, PATA is committed to improving HIV, child health, and sexual reproductive health services for adolescents and young people across Africa. At the heart of PATA’s work are healthcare providers and embedded across all its programmes are core interrelated core methodologies that strengthen health systems and service delivery on the frontline. These methodologies have developed and grown from the implementation of PATA Programmes over the years, and include:
- Clinic-CBO Collaboration (C3) which underscores the importance of partnerships within communities and community led monitoring approaches. Read more about our past C3 PATA Programme
- Ask-Boost-Connect-Discuss (ABCD) which highlights how we undertake our work. Read more about our ABCD approach
- Peer Support highlights the importance of task-shifting and the value of engaging affected communities in delivering, planning and monitoring the services. Read more about past REACH and ABCD PATA Programmes.
You(th) Care
You(th) Care (2022-2025) will enable adolescents and youth aged 10-24 years, especially girls and other vulnerable adolescents, in Kenya, Tanzania and Zambia to advocate for and practice self-care for their SRHR needs and to increase access to (digital) self-care services and commodities.
HIV Impact Network for Vertical Transmission Elimination (HIVE)
HIVE is an action-network led project aimed at reducing vertical transmission of HIV in children in Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, and Zambia. The project will work in partnership with ministries of health and other key stakeholders, including the Global Alliance to End AIDS in Children by 2030.
Past Programmes
Ask-Boost-Connect-Discuss (ABCD)