HIV Impact Network for Vertical Transmission Elimination (HIVE)
PATA, in partnership with ICAP, are leading the implementation of the Gates Foundation-funded HIVE project in three of six countries –Nigeria, South Africa and Mozambique. The two-year (2024-2026) HIVE project is aimed at addressing the need for more effective action in eliminating paediatric HIV infections through an action-network that includes ministries of health and other key stakeholders.
ICAP Project Sites: Mozambique, Nigeria, South Africa, Zambia, Tanzania, Kenya
PATA Project Sites: Mozambique, Nigeria, South Africa
HIVE objectives
Identify pregnant women living with HIV (WLHIV) not engaged with the health system and linking them to care and treatment services
Improve retention in care and continuity of treatment for WLHIV as they transition from the antenatal care setting to the post-natal care setting
Improve retention in care and early HIV diagnostic testing for infants of WLHIV through the duration of breastfeeding
HIVE priorities and activities will align closely and support pillars 2 and 3 of the Global Alliance to End AIDS in Children by 2030 strategic initiative.
The HIVE project will provide technical support to national and sub-national government structures, facility and healthcare workers. PATA will lead the process of cascading the project down to a provincial and district level in the three countries and will collaborate with ICAP and multiple stakeholders to develop a vertical transmission elimination capability maturity model (VTP CMM). The VTP CMM tool will enable HIVE member countries to self-assess their vertical transmission programs and identify gaps that will inform country priorities to bridge those gaps.
Linking and learning is also a core feature of the HIVE project and will be utilised to leverage on opportunities across Global Alliance country plans to ensure alignment and to create platforms for cross learning and sharing of key lessons and best practices at national, provincial and district levels.