Peers 2 Zero (P2Z)
PATA and the African Youth Positives Network (AY+) launched the Peers 2 Zero (P2Z) Coalition in 2016 to improve access to effective treatment and care for adolescents and young people living with HIV(A/YPLHIV). P2Z provides a platform that empowers and brings frontline health providers and HIV+ youth from Malawi, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Swaziland and Tanzania together to jointly plan, deliver and evaluate adolescent-friendly HIV services (AFHS).
HIV-related death among adolescents have tripled since 2000 while all other population groups have seen decreasing mortality rates, making HIV the leading cause of death among adolescents in Africa.
Of the 2.1 million adolescents living with HIV (ALHIV; 10–19 years) in 2012, 80% are in sub-Saharan Africa. Adolescents are underserved by existing HIV services, with significantly less access to ART than adults, and experience lower rates of adherence, virological suppression, and immunologic recovery. ALHIV require specialized and multifaceted support from health providers and communities to be retained in care, yet report facing high levels of stigma, discrimination and unfriendly service at health facilities.
The P2Z Coalition (PATA and AY+ regional networks) effectively engage, plan and respond to the service delivery needs of A/YPLHIV
- Jointly establish strategic and operational plans for the P2Z coalition
- Develop and distribute P2Z branding and advocacy tools
- Improve linkage and participation of facility based peer supporters with youth network structures and policy making platforms
- Grow membership through the P2Z coalition and PATA-AY+ networks
Sensitive and committed health providers that create an enabling environment for improved treatment access that is free of stigma and discrimination
- Local forums and sensitization training for frontline health providers
- Share adolescent friendly health service materials and tools
- Facilitate summits and forums for collaborative learning and regional networking
- Create engagement opportunities and platforms for dialogue between peer supporters, health providers and national networks of A/YPLHIV
- Support the development of facility based adolescent friendly operational improvement plans
Capacitated AYPLHIV who meaningfully influences adolescent-specific policy and practice
- Train and integrate youth leaders in the implementation and management of P2Z
- Establish a Youth Advisory Panel to raise visibility of peer support models and youth-driven advocacy
- Strengthen leadership and advocacy amongst peer supporters and P2Z youth leaders
- Develop P2Z materials and promising practice case studies that highlight specific needs, or gaps in service and promote adolescent friendly service models
- Promote the involvement of A/YPLHIV in the design, implementation and assessment of services that affect them