Vibrant Young Voices (VYV)
Vibrant Young Voices (VYV) will ensure that excluded adolescents and young people have a stronger voice in policy, funding, and programming decision-making at all levels. VYV aims to empower AYPLHIV to take control of their health, through capacity building and training of networks and structures of AYPLHIV, health providers and community partners, while investing in their partnership and collaboration.
The VYV Consortium is a strategic partnership that formalizes and streamlines movement building amongst key youth-focused and youth-servicing partners, networks, and coalitions in the Africa region.
The VYV Consortium is led by Y+ Global and includes the Coalition of Children Affected by AIDS (CCABA), the Adolescent Treatment Coalition (ATC) and PATA who also acts as fiscal host.
In VYV, PATA will support consortium and organisational strengthening through providing technical support and capacity building. PATA will improve access to rights-based services that are adolescent friendly, integrated, and person-centred though strengthening collaboration, partnership, linkage and learning across clinic-community platforms.
VYV aims to empower AYPLHIV to take control of their health through investments, capacity building and training of AYPLHIV networks, health providers and community partners to strengthen partnership and collaboration.
VYV objectives
Build the capacity of AYPLHIV and their structures to advocate for improved service delivery that will positively affect their health and rights
Strengthen the capacity of the VYV consortium to be an influential and stronger voice for their constituency
Strengthen partnerships for advocacy and provide a powerful platform for dialogue that unites youth-led networks, youth-serving organisations and health providers in joint campaigns
Report, analyse and make recommendations on donor investments in adolescent programming, particularly for inadequately served groups of adolescents and young people
Demonstrate, document, and disseminate lessons from youth-led service delivery models that show joint monitoring, accountability, and service quality improvements
AIDS remains the leading cause of death among young people (aged 10-24) in Africa and the second leading cause globally.
Young women are twice as likely to acquire HIV as young men. While access to quality rights-based health and HIV services has increased for adults, children and AYP remain underserved. Policy often fails at local levels, and there are long delays for implementing service delivery or other prevention, treatment, and care improvements.
Young people still face significant barriers in accessing optimal treatment and sexual and reproductive health and rights. There are also limited opportunities for meaningful youth leadership, including limited funding and support for youth-led networks, and youth-led participation and decision making. Equally, children, adolescent and young people are often left behind due to poverty, discrimination, and stigma. Adolescent mothers, sex workers, and their children, and children with disabilities are just some of those often shut out of services and support. Many live in settings with limited health resources, and are hardest hit by global inequities, health, social and economic challenges, exacerbating the inequalities they face.