Whistle blow – confidential reporting of misconduct, malpractice or fraud

PATA has a zero-tolerance approach to misconduct, malpractice or fraud and will take all reports seriously regardless of the source of the allegation. PATA is committed to providing a clear and straightforward reporting system and will handle all information relating to malpractice, misconduct and fraud appropriately and responsibly.

Any information received will be treated in confidence, in line with the PATA Whistleblowing Policy, and the situation will be investigated thoroughly and fairly. Any individual reporting a safeguarding concern may request that their identity not be disclosed. If for any reason (e.g., a requirement by law) the identity of the person reporting the concern needs to be disclosed, PATAs focal person for whistleblowing will discuss this with you. PATA has an appointed Whistleblowing focal person (a board member) and defined process to investigate all reports. The whistleblowing focal person will receive your report through a confidential dedicated and direct email alert and any person reporting will be protected from discrimination and/or reprisal in any form.

Whistle-blowing is a term used to describe a situation in which an PATA employee, team or board member, contractor, network member, volunteer or any other individual linked or associated with PATA raises a concern about possible malpractice, fraud, crime, danger or any other serious risk that could threaten colleagues, our partners, the public, or the integrity and reputation of PATA. The difference between a whistle-blowing issue and an employee or contractor grievance is that in the case of whistle-blowing, the concern is about a danger or illegality that has a public interest to it. An employee or contractor grievance, by contrast, is a dispute about the employee’s own employment position or the contractors service level agreement and has no additional public interest dimension. There is a separate policy for raising employment or contract related grievances.

Examples (but not limited to) of misconduct malpractice, fraud or safeguarding breach to report:

  • Fraud, financial irregularity, falsifying financial claims and falsifying reporting
  • Corruption, bribery, or blackmail
  • Sexual Abuse, sexual Harassment and sexual discrimination
  • Physical Abuse, psychological or emotional abuse, or neglect
  • Unfair treatment or discrimination of an individual/group based on race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, HIV status, political opinion, culture, language or any other personal characteristic

  • Abuse of power or bullying
  • Failure to comply with legal or regulatory obligations

  • Endangering the health and safety of any individual

  • Other criminal offences

  • Gross injustice

  • Concealing any of the above